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Get Involved!

Active community involvement is critical to the planning process. Explore this page to learn more about how you can be involved!

Public Open House #1

Thursday, August 1st, 2024

7:00 - 8:30 PM

Tusten Town Hall 210 Bridge St, Narrowsburg, NY

The Town of Tusten held an Open House as part of the Town's Natural Resources Inventory, Open Space and Recreation Plan planning process. The purpose of the event was to introduce the project, share draft mapping and collect public input on open space priorities. The meeting included a short presentation and variety of informational maps and boards.



Couldn't make it? Sign up to be notified of future engagement opportunities through the contact form here.

Open House Flyer - Final.jpg
Open House
Public Engagement Opportunities
  • Read the Public Engagement Plan which details the anticipated engagement activities for the project.

  • Join the project email list to get reminders about upcoming public engagement. Sign up here.

  • Check back soon for additional opportunities!

Conservation Advisory Council Meetings

Conservation Advisory Council (CAC) meetings are held every other month at 1:00 PM on the third Thursday via Zoom.

Upcoming Meetings: 

(Coming soon)

Past Meetings:

  • Conservation Advisory Council Meeting 8/15/2024 â€‹

  • Conservation Advisory Council Meeting 6/20/2024 â€‹

  • Conservation Advisory Council Meeting 4/18/2024 â€‹

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