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Project Background
Past Planning

This project will build on many of the Towns past planning efforts such as the 2011 Natural Resources and Open Space Inventory, as well as the 2021 Comprehensive Plan. Read about these plans below. ​

Did you know?

The Town of Tusten boasts nearly 14 miles of Delaware River shoreline, containing significant habitats for birds, fish and wildlife. The Delaware River is designated by the National Parks Service as a Scenic and Recreational River and is managed through State and Federal partnerships by the Upper Delaware Council.

2011 Natural Resources and
Open Space Inventory

A Natural Resources and Open Space Inventory was completed in 2011 following a recommendation from the 2007 Comprehensive Plan. The purpose of the document was to map and identify key natural, open space, cultural and historic resources within the Town of Tusten. The inventory also identified fragile and sensitive areas as well as unique plant and animal habitats.  

2021 Comprehensive Plan

The latest Comprehensive Plan, completed in 2021 provides an update of the previous 2007 Plan.


The Plan includes over 90 recommendations for topics such as Land Use, Economic Development, Housing, etc. Key Environmental Resource recommendations within the plan include:


  • Reactivate the Conservation Advisory Council

  • Create an Open Space Plan

  • Communicate with representatives of the Boy Scouts of America, Greater New York Councils to explore future land-use visions for landholdings

  • Adopt draft zoning amendments to enhance protection of natural resources and continue to pursue related amendments to land use regulations


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