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About the Project

The Town of Tusten has undertaken an effort to develop a Town-wide Natural Resources Inventory (NRI), Open Space and Recreation Plan.


Funding for the effort has been provided by the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation – Delaware Watershed Conservation Fund 2023 and the Upper Delaware Council.


What is a Natural Resources Inventory?

As part of this effort, the Town will undertake a Natural Resources Inventory (NRI) to identify environmental resources and constraints within the Town. This includes water resources, wildlife habitats, flood zones, forests and more.


The identification of these key features will help to inform the Open Space & Recreation Plan. The NRI will update the 2011 Natural Resources and Open Space Inventory. Read more about the previous plan here.

What is an Open Space and Recreation Plan?

An Open Space and Recreation Plan establishes a vision for a Town-wide network of open spaces. The plan will create a roadmap to ensure an appropriate balance of open space, public access, natural resources and public recreational opportunities. The plan will also enable the Town to identify priorities for open space protection.


The development of the Open Space and Recreation Plan furthers two key goals of the 2021 Comprehensive Plan:

"Balance protection of the Town’s water quality, open spaces, and animal and plant habitats with encouraging economic activities that help conserve the Town’s scenic and rural character."


​"Work to create new opportunities for public access to lands and waters to increase recreational and educational options for residents and visitors."

This work will set the stage for future implementation of conservation projects and new recreational opportunities. Through active public involvement, this process will create community consensus on recreation and conservation priorities as well as appropriate methods (such as regulations, incentives, and perhaps public funding) for completing such projects.

Conservation Advisory Council

The Natural Resources Inventory and Open Space & Recreation Plan will be guided by the Conservation Advisory Council:


  • Jane Luchinger (Council Chair) - Town of Tusten, Deputy Supervisor

  • Spencer Branch

  • Cathleen Breen

  • Alexandra Climent

  • Bernie Lohmann

  • Donovan Sylvest


The planning process will be facilitated by Town staff with technical assistance from MJ Engineering and Land Surveying, P.C.


Additional Project Partners


Peter Manning (Genius Loci) will serve as the project liaison and will be responsible for aiding project facilitation and communication among project partners.

Additional support and technical assistance will be provided by Sullivan County Planning and Real Property Services Departments and the Delaware Highlands Conservancy.

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