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Click through the photos above to see examples of open space and recreation in your Town!


Welcome to the Town of Tusten Natural Resources Inventory, Open Space and Recreation Plan project website! 


The Town of Tusten has undertaken an effort to develop a Town-wide Natural Resources Inventory (NRI), Open Space and Recreation Plan. The NRI will identify key environmental and open space resources within the Town including wetlands, wildlife habitats, flood zones, forests and more. The Open Space and Recreation Plan will build upon the NRI and establish a vision for a Town-wide network of open spaces.

This project is being led by the Town of Tusten and guided by the Town's Conservation Advisory Council. The planning process will be facilitated by Town staff with technical assistance from MJ Engineering and Land Surveying, P.C.

This project is funded, in part, through a grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Delaware Watershed Conservation Fund 2023 and the Upper Delaware Council.


Visit this page to stay up to date on the latest information and public engagement activities. Use the links at the top of the page to find out more information about the project, upcoming engagement opportunities, and to share your input.

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